Itasca Educational Partnership
ITASCA Educational Partnership (IEP) Programs
IEP Research Program
Itasca's IEP Research Program offers assistance to qualifying graduate students with a desire to utilize Itasca software in their research.
IEP Teaching Program
Software Tutorials
Creating Groups Interactively and Automatically using the Model Pane
In this tutorial, we review how to automatically skin models, identify and group zone faces, and interactively select and group zones and zone faces. This tutorial also illustrates using the Model Pane to interactively add a shell structural element along a tunnel.
MINEDW Tutorial (Part 1: Menu Options)
In this tutorial we will briefly cover the MINEDW user interface, its components, and the MINEDW Menu with the different options and tools it provides to build numerical models.
FLAC3D 7.0 Unstructured Mesh Tutorial
A tutorial showing how to create an unstructured mesh in FLAC3D 7.0 using the extruder pane.
Technical Papers
The role of rock mass heterogeneity and buckling mechanisms in excavation performance in foliated ground at Westwood Mine, Quebec
Operations at Westwood mine in Quebec, Canada were temporarily halted in May 2015 after three large-magnitude seismic events occurred over two days. The mechanisms leading to these events, which caused severe damage to several accesses, were not well understood at first. This paper presents the key aspects of FLAC3D back-analysis modelling, which include (1) an anisotropic rock mass strength model with properties derived from field and laboratory strength testing, and (2) a scheme to account implicitly for the deconfinement that accompanies buckling around excavations.
The nexus between groundwater modeling, pit lake chemogenesis and ecological risk from arsenic in the Getchell Main Pit, Nevada, U.S.A.
The proliferation of mine pits that intersect the groundwater table has engendered interest in environmental consequences of the lakes that form after cessation of dewatering.
Packer Testing Program Design and Management
Hydraulic testing using wireline deployed water-inflated packers is becoming a common practice for groundwater characterization at mining sites.